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Additional Resources for Rochester Day-Trip Inspiration

I created this website—Day Trips Around Rochester, NY—because, like you, I have scoured everywhere—librariesbookstores, travel information racks, the Internet, friends’ experiences—for Rochester day trip inspiration.

I hope I’ve provided a solid starting point for your adventures. But if you’re looking to expand your local knowledge, check out these helpful digital and physical publications below.

Visitor Guides

Rochester area visitor guides

Rochester & Monroe County

Surrounding Counties

Blogs & Websites

Magazines & Newspapers

585 magazine july 2020
CITY Magazine

Books for Rochester Day Trip Inspiration

local interest books at Barnes and Noble
Local interest books

I have compiled a list of my favorite books about Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, and the surrounding regions, including the Genesee Valley, Finger Lakes, Western New York, Central New York, and the Southern Tier.

The authors of these books cover various topics, such as Rochester’s geological and human history, and provide great inspiration for places to visit. I refer to this list year after year for knowledge and enjoyment.

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My Favorite Books About the Rochester Area

I’ve provided links to borrow these Rochester-themed books from a Monroe County Library or to purchase them online via Amazon or Bookshop.

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Where do you look for Rochester day-trip inspiration?

Your insights and experiences are valuable. Please share them in the comments.

Debi Bower, Day Trips Around Rochester NY

Debi Bower is the founder and creative director of and author of the award-winning book Day Trips Around Rochester, New York.

People often ask me if I get free access to places while exploring. The answer is no unless I’m invited to previews or granted behind-the-scenes access as part of my media role. Generally, I don’t mention my project, Day Trips Around Rochester, NY, because I want the same experience you would have. I create and share content simply because it brings me joy. I would appreciate your support—a cup of coffee or two to help fuel future field trips—if you have found valuable information here that has helped you explore the Rochester area.

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